Martha Jefferson Hospital in Charlottesville, Virginia is one of FFA’s premier projects. FFA was hired to provide artwork for the new 174 bed hospital and in working with the architects and designers, was able to coordinate physical features of the building to ensure optimum viewing areas for art.
Over a two year period, FFA led an art committee consisting of the hospital’s architects, designers, and staff members through the art selection process. The goal was to integrate art into the actual architecture of the building and create a collection that would delight and inspire patients, visitors and staff while remaining authentic to the hospital’s caring tradition. The collection is comprised of over 700 original works of art by regional artists, rich in subject matter and media. FFA also facilitated donations and gifts from generous members of the Charlottesville community. The early participation in the design phase resulted in the art committee commissioning a jewel-like stained glass pendant light for the lobby, a 15-foot abstract painting, photographic murals for the Labor and Delivery unit and 140 unique artist-made ceramic tiles. Martha Jefferson has continued to grow their arts and humanities program providing concerts and music, changing galleries, and artwork for satellite MJH facilities.
- Kahler/Slater Architect, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- New 174-bed hospital complete with all services and an Oncology Center
- Opened in August 2011
Gallery Book: Martha Jefferson Hospital (PDF, 4MB)
Martha Jefferson Hospital Donations Gallery
The collection assembled by FFA for MJH created such interest and admiration in the Charlottesville community that donations of fine pieces of art were offered in large numbers. Using the procedures established by FFA at NIH, a smooth and easily managed process was put in place to handle the donated pieces. To date more then 76 (?) high quality pieces have been accepted and displayed at MJH.
A Photographer’s Gift
MJH Philanthropy Supporting the Arts- A Photographer’s Gift
Healing Through Art
MJH Philanthropy Supporting the Arts- Healing Through Art